Cold Night
What is it that makes me drawn to you…something pulls me your way
every day.
For some reason my heart and body call out your name, making my brain
hear what it doesn’t want to admit.
That our lives are like the Moon the Sun, one always chasing the other for
eternity. Is that romantic or depressing?
So, lost without you yet on the right path without you to lead me. Why is it that
I’m not smiling when I’m alone, only thinking about you? You distract my mind
from the greatness that slumbers within. Causing my whole soul to wither from
being locked up for so long. The deed that needs to be done will be very
difficult. But to learn how to fly, one must build a cocoon to protect themselves
from others while they are growing. A cocoon of tears I will build but it will not
protect me. And what is to happen if I blossom and when I go to look for you
and you’re not there anymore. Dead is last thing I want to hear associated with
your name. Someday I know you won’t love me and find someone else, I’m far
from dumb and naïve to how this world works. I have prepared myself for your
happiness to find someone else, and that’s ok. Because my happiness you do
not hold, not anymore. And I cannot tell you exactly when you lost it. But it was
quite some time ago. I do not know how we can grow together. I believe it is
possible but only if both of us wanted it so bad that we could taste it. So, after
you have read this, will it make you think about what you have missed. Or am I
wrong, and you haven’t missed a thing? Because you can never miss something
you never had.
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